Navigating the stormy sea of geopolitics and international business

Geopolitics & International Business
In today’s interconnected world, geopolitics plays an increasingly important role in shaping the landscape of international business. With global markets becoming more integrated and complex, competition and power struggles among nations exert profound impacts on how businesses operate across borders. From trade wars to shifting political alliances, geopolitical dynamics can rapidly alter the stability of entire industries. For multinational enterprises, understanding geopolitics is no longer just an advantage – it’s a necessity. Geopolitical risks such as sanctions, nationalist movements, and policy shifts often determine the success or failure of cross-border ventures. International business must strategically adapt to the evolving global power structure. This includes identifying opportunities within geopolitical tensions, anticipating disruptions caused by political events, and fostering resilient strategies that ensure long-term growth. In my work, I examine the intersection of geopolitics and international business, and explore how businesses can align their global strategies and international management practices with new political realities.
今日的世界,互联互通。地缘政治,正在塑造全新的国际商业格局。全球市场日益融合、日趋复杂,而国家间的竞争与权力博弈,更是对企业跨境运营带来前所未有的挑战。无论是贸易战,还是政治结盟,地缘政治可以顷刻之间改变一个行业。对于跨国公司而言,了解地缘政治已不再只是竞争优势,而是生存必需。地缘政治风险,比如国家安全指控、经济制裁、民族主义运动、政策变动,往往决定全球商业的成败。 企业需要在不断变化的全球权力格局中调整战略。这包括在地缘政治紧张局势中识别机遇,预见地缘政治事件可能带来的冲击,并制定具有韧性的战略,确保长期可持续发展。 在我的研究和实践中,我深入探讨地缘政治对国际商业的影响,研究企业如何在全新的政治现实中调整全球战略、提升国际管理水平。

About Me
I am a researcher, lecturer, and consultant based in the University of Edinburgh. My research focuses on the intersection of geopolitics and international business. My work explores how geopolitics impacts the way multinational enterprises do business and manage their people. With a focus on strategic adaptation, I help businesses and business leaders navigate the complexities of an increasingly volatile world.

My Research
I explore how geopolitics shape international business, talent management, and corporate strategy. My research has appeared in leading academic journals, such as Organization Studies, Journal of International Business Policy, and Strategic Organization. More details can be found at Research Insights.
In 2021, I was invited by the UK House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee to contribute to the inquiry into the role of the FCDO (Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office) in screening foreign investments in UK companies for possible national security concerns (in the context of the new 2021 UK National Security and Investment Bill).
地缘政治如何影响国际商业、人才管理和企业战略?我的研究成果已发表于多个知名学术期刊,包括Organization Studies 《组织研究》、Journal of International Business Policy《国际商业政策期刊》、Strategic Organization《战略组织》 。在“研究与观点”页面,您可以阅读更多内容。

My Consultancy
I provide insights and strategic guidance to help businesses navigate geopolitical risks, global talent management challenges, and international market complexities.

Key Issues
Home Country Effect – How a company’s country of origin influences its global reputation, market access, and stakeholder trust.
Legitimacy – Strategies to maintain credibility and acceptance in politically sensitive environments and foreign markets.
National-Organizational Identity – Balancing corporate and national identifications and affiliations to build stakeholder trust and manage cross-border tensions.
Trust – Understanding how geopolitical shifts affect trust between firms, governments, and international partners.
National Security Threat Accusations – What does this mean and how firms can mitigate risks when facing allegations of posing security threats due to geopolitical tensions.
母国效应 – 公司所属国家如何影响其全球声誉、市场准入及公众对它的信任。
合理性 – 何为合理?在政治敏感环境和海外市场中如何保持信誉、被人认可。
国家-组织身份认同 – 如何在企业身份与国家身份认同之间取得平衡,确保资源效益最大化。
信任 – 什么是信任?了解地缘政治变化如何影响企业、政府及国际合作伙伴之间的信任关系。
国家安全威胁指控 – 安全指控意味着什么?它是如何产生的?企业如何调整战略,降低风险?